Why Macha? Why not proper English ?

Many people have think that when it comes to blogging, use of some hi-funda words is a must. And anyone who doesn't follow this is a guggu guy ! But why ? The basic intention of a language is to convey your thoughts effectively ! Why use artha agdeiro words and all in the middle. 

All that glitters is not gold ! Artha aythalva ( For the kannada illiterates, Understood right :P)All articles that coruscate with resplendence are not truly auriferous. ! For all those who didn't get it, both are same :D

Exclusive dedication to necessitous chores without interludes of hedonistic diversion renders Jack a hebetudinous fellow. 
I swear to God that i burst out into hysterical laughter when i read this !!! It just means, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy !!!! 
Well, i can start to write like this , but then whats the use macha? Who will bother to google up every word ? My brain uses a default language - the Bangalore Kanglish ( English integrated with kannada)  ! So , i do write in the same . More time is spent on the content and not the words. If you look at all my blogs, one thing is common, there are no flashy designs anywhere. You read a blog and the purpose is served.
Writing this way makes me feel that you are reading right from my brain. This kind of writing directly reaches you without getting lost in translation. This style totally agrees with the person I am. Blunt and non pretentious 
