See you at the movies chump !

We Indians are movie freaks. Every other actor here is a star ! There is a superstar, there is a mega star , there is a diamond star and there even is a sudden star. ( Yes ! Seriously ) We take our movies very seriously! New movie released... Should watch it first day , first show no matter what !! Skip office and go watch a movie. And to all us college students !! :P We wouldn't even mind bunking college and watching a Chinese movie without subtitles.
We are crazy about the heroes and the heroines... We even have fights about them ! Favorite hero's movie flopped big time? We defend him ,pray for him, hope the next one does better but never give up on him ! We idolize them ! Copy their eshtyle and andaaz !!! We do all this to someone who doesn't even know about our existence.
But, what we don't realize is that, our life is no less than a movie .( Yes! there wont be any background music or head rotation in 5 angles ) The drama that we go through in our life is no less than a movie ! And macha. the most important point to be noted is " You are the hero of your own movie ra". (The female readers, read hero as heroine :P... I'm not a male chauvinist :P)
You are a hero ! And the best part is that you are the director also. You decide how the movie goes forward! "Picture hit agodu flop agodu, nin kai alle ide".( for the non kannadigas, the outcome of the movie is in your hands) Love yourself like the way you love your hero ! Defend yourself when you come across a failure... Become a better man. ( or woman :P ,again , not a male chauvinist) The audience is counting on you!
No matter what , movies are fun only if it has the entertainment factor in it ! Make your life entertaining... Entertaining to you and to others in your life. Enjoy the occasional comedy even if , sometimes the joke is on you. Basically, live like you are starring in your own movie!
The characters that come into your life are like the ones in a suspense thriller . You never know what the character does next ! So , never ignore any character ! Who knows, the character you ignored could have played a key role in your movie...
You are not only starring in your own movie as a protagonist, but also play the supporting character in many more movies! In some movie, you might be the son, in some other one, the hero's best friend and in some other movie , you might just be a random dude passing on the street . In some, your role is big and in some other one , it might be small ! Whatever be the role assigned, do full justice to it ! Be the one who steals the show ! Don't be the one who makes people wonder as to why he is even in the script ! Make awesome cameos and guest appearances in movies . Do remember, the highlight of some movies might just be the cameos ! Whatever you do , don't be the villain ! Don't be the bad guy ... In the end, bad guy always loses... You are your hero , not the villain.
" Agar ending happy nahin ho , toh picture abhi baki hain mere dost". ( No points for guessing the movie :P). I would like to add on to it "Agar ending happy ho, toh bhi picture abhi baki hain mere dost". The movie goes on and on.The hero isn't done after defeating the villain !There will be a sequel to this..  Likewise the hero isn't defeated when he gets beaten up by the villain, he's defeated when he doesn't rise . And the day you don't rise, kahani ka 'The End ' ho jatha hain boss !
Camera tere paas hain, hero bhi tum ho ! Chal ek jhakass movie banake dikhao...
So, see you at the movies hero :)
