
I am not sure how productive these endless talks on intolerance are other than just completely flooding my social media feed. Some bigshot celebrity vaguely says something about his wife feeling unsafe and suddenly this entire episode turns into a communal intolerance one !

This made the entire country go maaaddd ! Slapster Idol where the winner gets a prize money of rupees one lakh for single slap, Return of the awards and "Back to Pakistan" ticket bookings commemorating the death of logic suddenly became the daily entertainment for the masses.And out of the blue, we became huge fans of the Army and suddenly realized we have been overpaying for movies. Such epiphany I must say !

Communal intolerance they say! Suddenly on the rise they say! Let us go back to Bharath, where the lands were green, people were just, trade was flourishing and values upheld. But, most of all let us go back to the time when the society was tolerant, they say!

What a bunch of bullcrap, I say ! We never were like that I say. Today, we fight calling ourselves Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Back then also we fought. But, we called ourselves Aryans and Dravaidians, Shaivaites and Vaishnavites, Kshatriyas and Shudras ! 

What we want to do really is just to fight, these divisions are something that we have just created ourselves. If all of a sudden, we witness a divine intervention and realize that all the religions tell pretty much the same thing, do you think this fighting will stop? Maybe. But,only till we find a new reason to fight.

Off late there is a wave of this ignorance driven jingoism conveniently termed as patriotism. Few though went out of their ways to prove that India is a very tolerant country. Boss, I say yes, India definitely is tolerant. But who said it is a positive thing? 

I though maybe I was wrong with the definition of intolerance. Did a quick google check and this is what I found : tolerance (n)-the capacity to endure continued subjection to something such as a drug or environmental conditions without adverse reaction. I really don't think this is something so positive that it compels some of us to desperately try to convince everyone about our tolerance. 

India is a very tolerant country. How about we become a little INTOLERANT now. 

Stop tolerating the filth and garbage on the roads. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating guy who gives certificates, degrees and jobs in exchange for money. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the stories that the media wants you to believe. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those who say marks alone define your competence. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the the shopkeepers asking you to pay more than MRP. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the brands that make you believe it is important to be fair, lovely or handsome to be successful. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the people who intentionally leave food on their plates to look cool. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the people who think speaking in English is the only way to show sophestication. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those who go on a one week vacation abroad and comes back with an accent. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the cops who instill more fear than the criminals. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those priests, mullahs and fathers who say you need religion alone to be a human. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the morons who say your clothes, mobiles and chowmein result in rapes. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those monsters who rape five year olds and the ones who protect them. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the so called leaders who want you to kill anyone worshiping another God. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those who send bibles as relief material to those stuck in floods. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those who say they kill in order to protect their God. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those who kill thousands in order to achieve world peace. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those who associate a religion to a Hero, Soldier and a Scientist. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those who say Men are better than Women. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating those who say Women are better than Men. Intolerance !

Stop tolerating the unhygienic conditions, unprofessional behavior, unethical practices, unproductive workforce, uncertain promises, uncomfortable language, unbelievable excuses, untrue stories and everything that is unnecessary ! 

Let us unlock ourselves from these narrow and petty disturbances and live life unencumbered !   

Let us become intolerant. 


  1. You picked up a nice happening topic to write about this time.
    A place without any fights sure sounds like a far fetched dream.

    1. It does seem to be a far fetched dream. But aren't we are dreamers ;)

  2. Good one amar. This article has covered all those happenings currently our nation is facing. As a citizen of this country I just hope some things change soon. If not we are looking at an india without head n tail.

  3. Thanks man !
    True... Hope is one thing that keeps us afloat


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